Ffter two years adapting to the “new normality”, in 2022 we could resume in person our workshop FS2S: from Science to Society, translating today’s research into tomorrow’s solutions. FS2S was held at the University of Cambridge from April 4th to 7th, 2022. This workshop, which marked the founding milestone of the Rafael del Pino Club of Scientists, is jointly organized by the Rafael del Pino Alumni Association and by the Rafael del Pino Foundation. It is organized within the mission of both institutions to promote leadership and entrepreneurship in Spanish society.

During these four days, the selected participants discussed different ways to transfer scientific knowledge to society. The activity program of the FS2S 2022 edition can be checked at the following link.

From Science to Society workshop was an unprecedented activity in the history of our Club of Scientists. It consolidated our institutional growth and our capacity to impact Spanish society and the young scientific community.