Scientific Writing: how to communicate better to advance in our career

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14/12/2021 @ 19:00 20:00 CET

As academics, not only we have to do experiments but also regularly defend and write down our scientific advances. In fact, knowing how to communicate results is one of the most necessary skills to advance in a scientific career. The key message is that to become a good writer you don’t need to be a great writer, just a good scientist. However, establishing a writing routine can be difficult, especially when training in this discipline is rare within the field. Learning and improving these skills can make articles clearer and increase the chances of success for grant applications. Therefore, this time we want to offer you the opportunity to improve your scientific writing skills. Participants will learn linguistic tools to convey technical messages. For this, we will have Dr. Eva Marco and Dr. Marc Yeste, two Spanish scientists with advanced scientific careers and a large number of publications and grants. To increase impact and applicability, we will work with real-life cases and experiences from speakers whenever possible. We will discuss advices and examples on:

  • How to manage the locks generated when writing?
  • How to develop a routine and writing techniques in parallel to experimental work?
  • What strategy can we use when writing articles, thesis or grant proposals?
  • How can we get our message adjusted to the audience
  • What barriers do we encounter when writing science in English without being native speakers and how can we correct them?
  • How to improve the writing process when it must be done with collaborators?