Exploring different scientific careers

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06/10/2020 @ 18:00 19:30 CEST

Are you doing a Ph.D. but you do not know what to do afterwards? Are you unsure about the possible options? Or which one suits best your interests? Do you want to continue your career in science, but you are hesitant about your next step?

In the Rafael del Pino Club of Scientists we want to open a dialogue about scientific careers, so that young scientists are aware of the immense career options after doing a Ph.D. and can align their future aspirations with their interests.

Join our panel on scientific careers with this link! It will take place next Tuesday, October 6 at 6:00 PM (Madrid time) via zoom. In this first edition we have four scientists with careers in different fields who will talk about their experience and trajectory:

  • Dr. José Antonio Esteban, Principal Investigator of the research group “Mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and contribution to cognitive function”, Center for Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa, CSIC.
  • Dr. Cristina Balbás, co-founder and president of Escuelab, a social enterprise that seeks to bring science closer to children to awaken scientific vocations.
  • Dr. Esther Samper, disseminator and communicator on health and biomedicine issues in newspapers and magazines such as El País, eldiario.es, Hypertextual and Muy Interesante, among many others.
  • Dr. Óscar Viyuela, expert in Quantum Computing and Quantum Technology, and current Associate at the consulting firm McKinsey & Company in the United States.

If you want to sign up, you can do it here.