We organize seminars, conferences and open events montly. Our misision is to popularize and promote science in Spain, as well as to offer educational content of interest to our scientific community.
Our events are interdisciplinary and heterogenous: we organize activities and talks on technical and specific topics (e.g. on cancer, artificial intelligence, physics...), on innovation and technology transfer, as well as others focused on cross-cutting areas (e.g. reflection about possible scientific careers, debates about the role of scientists in the political debate, promoting leadership and diversity in the scientific-technological environment, etc.).
Register As we begin 2022 we have some very good news: we just started an official collaboration with the Deputy Ministry of the Government of Madrid for the "Science in Spanish" cycle. In this framework, the Scientists Club has acted as a catalyst for this series of talks together with the Community of Madrid and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, which highlights our initiative and the created network. So, from now on, every fourth Wednesday of each month we have [...]
Register As academics, not only we have to do experiments but also regularly defend and write down our scientific advances. In fact, knowing how to communicate results is one of the most necessary skills to advance in a scientific career. The key message is that to become a good writer you don't need to be a great writer, just a good scientist. However, establishing a writing routine can be difficult, especially when training in this discipline is rare within the [...]
Register Artificial Intelligence techniques are increasingly present in all scientific fields and have driven great advances in recent years, becoming indispensable tools. Consequently, the Rafael del Pino Scientists Club, with the aim of promoting innovation, leadership, and social commitment among Spanish researchers, wants to bring together the community doing research in topics related to Artificial Intelligence. With that goal in mind, before the summer holidays, we hosted the first in a series of meetings on Artificial Intelligence and were fortunate to have Antonio Torralba (MIT) as speaker. This time, we will host two talks that we hope will be of interest [...]